In recent years, Turkmenistan has attracted about $ 15 billion of foreign investment
In recent years, Turkmenistan has attracted about $ 15 billion of foreign investment

In recent years, in cooperation with foreign organizations, about 15 billion US dollars of foreign investment has been attracted to the economy of Turkmenistan.  Chairman of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs Rakhimberdy Dzhepbarov spoke about this in an interview with the official Turkmen press.

He noted that 52% of foreign investments were directed to the development of the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan, 18% - the chemical industry, 10% - transport and communication infrastructure, 11% - agriculture, 9% - energy.

The main part of all foreign investments – 47.4% - is in Japan, 19% - in the Republic of Korea, 11% - in Saudi Arabia, 6.3% - in Germany, 5% - in the USA, and the remaining 11.3% - in investments  attracted from other states.

Since more than 80% of foreign capital was directed to the development of industry in the country, this contributed to the accelerated diversification of the national economy, the realization of the country's enormous resource potential and the creation of thousands of new jobs.

Dzhepbarov also noted that today the size of Turkmenistan's external financial obligations is equal to 11% of GDP, which corresponds to the normal ratio in international practice.
