
The life path of the Turkmenbashi oil processing complex (TOPC) began in 1943, during the Great Patriotic War, as a result of the removal of equipment from the Tuapse oil refinery, and also several times work was carried out to modernize and increase capacity. Especially after the declaration of independence of Turkmenistan, the complex of refineries underwent a radical transformation and is now one of the leading oil refineries in the world.

The Turkmenbashi oil processing complex is engaged in the processing of oil and gas condensate, the production of various oil and petrochemical products and their sale in the domestic and foreign markets.

The production capacity of the complex of plants includes a number of oil refineries, as well as a number of oil refineries that increase the depth of primary oil refining. The main technological system of the enterprise is ELDAD-HT, catalytic cracking and reforming, jet fuel purifier, diesel fuel water purifier, olefin alkylation and light gas isomerizer, production of polypropylene coatings, bitumen, general oil coating, drying oil coating, polypropylene and polypropylene packages. The infrastructure of the plant is completed with power generating gas turbine plants, seawater desalination plants, steam generators, secondary water coolers, pumping stations, tank farms, power plants and other auxiliary facilities.

High-quality oil and petrochemical products produced at the Turkmenbashi oil processing complex are exported to different directions, namely to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

From the first days of our independence, the priorities for the development of the oil and gas sector in our country have been defined, especially during the period of prosperity of our sovereign state. The main directions of development of the complex of plants are focused on the introduction of new technologies, improving the quality of products, increasing their competitiveness and compliance with advanced world standards, as well as international standards for environmental protection and ecology. Reconstruction and modernization of the plant complex is carried out in accordance with the National Development Program of Turkmenistan.

The assignment of neutrality status to Turkmenistan by the United Nations General Assembly in 1995 led to the creation of favorable conditions for wide participation of foreign companies in the modernization of the plant complex, and the establishment of partnerships with UOP A Honeywell Company, Axens IFP Group Technologies, BASELL POLYOLEFINS , “DuPont-STRATCO®”, “Chiyoda”, “TECHNIP”, “JGC Corporation”, “LG ​​International Corp.”, “Hyundai Engineering Co., LTD” and other world famous companies have allowed to introduce new advanced technologies in the development of the complex of factories , production facilities of the complex, to improve the quality of products.

You can familiarize with the structure of the Turkmenbashi oil processing complex at this address.