
“Shagadam” Football club (formerly “Krasnovodsk”) was founded in 1949 by the Turkmenbashi oil processing complex. The club took part in competitions under the names “Neftyanik” and in 1992-1993 “Hazar”. It has been performing under the name “Shagadam” since August 1993.

The TOPC Football club “Shagadam” is located at the stadium “Shagadam” on D.Azadi street in Turkmenbashi city, Balkan region. It hosts its home games at “Shagadam” stadium.

The TOPC Football club “Shagadam” has a total of 10 teams, consisting of youth and youth teams.

Coach of “Shagadam 2” team: Anisichkin Vitaliy Gennadyevich;

Coaches of the youth team: Sadykov Rustam Bayramovich, Zavyalov Anatoliy Anatolyevich.

Coach of the youth team: Ismailov Kudrat Rahimovich.

TOPC "Shagadam" football club squad:

Leaders and trainers:

  • Annamyradov Seidullamyrat Gulanmyradovich - president of the club (Honored coach of Turkmenistan);
  • Klimenko Alexander Evgenievich - head coach (Honored coach of Turkmenistan);
  • Kurbanmamedov Rakhim Mukhamedovich - trainer (Honored trainer of Turkmenistan);
  • Annamyradov Yagmyrmyrat Gulanmyradovich - coach;
  • Kichigulov Kichigul Nazmyradovich - coach;
  • Annakhalov Azatguly Orazgulyevich - doctor;
  • Tyachmammedov Toyguly - masseur;
  • Markosov Alexander Grigorievich - administrator;



  • Gorbunov Nikita - 14.02.1984y.
  • Sergey Kuznetsov - 22.03.1985y.
  • Nazarov Dovlet - 08.03.1995y.


  • Khojaakhmedov Bakhtiyar - 14.02.1985y.
  • Orazgulyev Dayanch - 03.12.1989y.
  • Mirsultanov Dovletgeldy - 29.05.1995y
  • Saryev Ashirgeldy - 07.07.1992y.
  • Kosofana Ionel - 07.01.1995y.
  • Guldurdyev Begench - 12.09.1991y.
  • Gylychniyazov Begench - 19.07.1998y.
  • Ashirov Myrat - 26.08.1994y.


  • Magtymov Ikhlas - 20.04.1992y.
  • Nurlyev Bayramgeldy - 02.01.1995y.
  • Gurbanov Merdan - 30.08.1991y.
  • Yakubov Khydyr - 23.05.1991y.
  • Tkachenko Evgeniy - 06.03.1984y.
  • Italmazov Farhad - 19.04.1993y.
  • Orazmyammedov Yunus - 25.09.1989y.


  • Amanmammedov Hemra - 07.06.1985y.
  • Musa Nurnazarov - 24.08.1998y.
  • Abdurzaev Roman - 20.08.1994y.
  • Deryaev Suleiman - 09.05.2000y.

Today, 4 players of “Shagadam” football club are members of the national football team of Turkmenistan. These are: Magtymov Yhlas, Gurbanov Merdan, Nurlyyev Bayramgeldy and Saryyev Ashyrgeldy.

In 2017, the TOPC Football club “Shagadam” underwent serious changes with the arrival of honored coaches of Turkmenistan - Annamuradov Seidullamyrat Gulanmuradovich, Klimenko Aleksandr Yevgenyevich and Kurbanmamedov Rahim Muhammedovich. From 2017 to the present - the owner of honorary awards of the annual Championship of Turkmenistan and the Cup.

List of honorary awards of the TOPC Football club “Shagadam”:

- During his performance under the name “Neftyanik” (1949–1991) it was a seven-time champion and five-time Cup winner.

After the start of the game for “Shagadam” football club:

- Champion of Turkmenistan: 2002;

- Winner of the Cup of Turkmenistan: 2007; 2021.

- Finalist of the Cup of Turkmenistan: 2002, 2015, 2017;

- Winner of the bronze medal of the Championship of Turkmenistan: 2003, 2014, 2017, 2019.

The TOPC Football club “Shagadam” was the first in the history of Turkmenistan to win the title of champion of Turkmenistan in 2002 under the leadership of the head coach Ismailov Kudrat Rahimovich.

The list of players awarded the title “The most productive striker of Turkmenistan” according to the results of the Premier League of Turkmenistan, playing in the TOPC Football club “Shagadam”

- 2002: Sadykov Rustam (20 goals);

- 2012: Boliyan Aleksandr (23 goals);

- 2014: Karadanov Mammedaly (28 goals).


745005 Turkmenistan, Balkan velayat, Turkmenbashy city, D.Azadi street, "Shagadam" stadion

Phone: (+993 243) 2-35-62;

Fax: (+993 243) 5-17-22

