Turkmenistan Investment Forum takes place in Ashgabat
Turkmenistan Investment Forum takes place in Ashgabat

The Turkmenistan Investment Forum (TIF 2024) has started in the capital's Yildiz Hotel. During two days of the large-scale forum, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economy, as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan, the issues of implementation of investment projects in the country and further development of international cooperation in this sphere will be discussed.

The forum is attended by international experts, representatives and heads of leading national and foreign oil and gas, energy, construction, transport and communication companies, as well as international organisations, financial structures and scientific centres.

Turkmenistan is represented at the large-scale conference by heads of ministries and agencies, banks and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

At the opening ceremony of the international event, the participants listened to a video address by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Then the participants of the international investment forum familiarised themselves with the exhibition in the lobby of the luxurious hotel.

Then the Investment Forum of Turkmenistan continued in the format of the plenary session.


Source: State News Agency 
