Turkmenistan took part in the fourth meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the member States of the Organization of Turkic States
Turkmenistan took part in the fourth meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the member States of the Organization of Turkic States

On September 16, 2024, the fourth meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the member States of the Organization of Turkic States (OTG) was held in Bishkek.  This is reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. 

The meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the OTG, observers from Turkmenistan and Hungary, as well as ministers and representatives of the energy departments of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

During the meeting, issues of cooperation in the energy sector were discussed, including the implementation of the tasks outlined in the Nakhichevan Agreement, the Concept of Development of the Turkic World until 2040 and the Action Plan for Energy Cooperation for 2023-2027.

Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Kyrgyzstan N.Golliev noted that energy cooperation is one of the important areas of cooperation between the states, where there are great prospects for strengthening partnership to ensure stable and sustainable energy supplies.

The parties paid special attention to the development of green energy and the possibilities of diversifying energy routes.

Following the meeting, a joint communique was signed on further strengthening cooperation in the energy sector.


Source: Turkmenistan: Golden Age
