A ceremonial conference dedicated to the "International Year of Peace and Trust" was held
A ceremonial conference dedicated to the "International Year of Peace and Trust" was held

A solemn meeting dedicated to the name of 2025, the International Year of Peace and Trust, was held at the National Music and Drama Theater named after Makhtumkuli.

In the hall - teachers and students of the State Institute of Culture, the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kulieva, State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, television and cinematography workers, actors of capital theaters, employees of museums and libraries and other cultural and art figures.

The performances of cultural figures alternated with performances by singers, dancers, dance and poetic compositions. In their address to the audience, the speakers noted that only peace on the planet guarantees the prosperity of life in each individual country. They emphasized the importance of the status of Neutrality that our Motherland has acquired.

The most impressive of the dance and poetic compositions was  the "Parahatçylyk sazy dost doganlyk mukamy", which was performed by the actors of the Main Academic Drama Theater. The composition includes performances by Oguzkhan and Makhtumkuli Fragi.

The concert was attended by the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Atajan Berdiev, Begench Moshiev, Aina Seitgulieva, Maya Orazberdieva. The People's Artist of Turkmenistan Gulshat Gurdova for friendly applause of the hall performed the song "Arkadagym, Arkadagly Serdarym".

Source: «Turkmenistan: Golden age»
