TCOR is the leader in the production of industrial products in the country
TCOR is the leader in the production of industrial products in the country

In accordance with the economic strategy of the President of Turkmenistan, solving tasks of diversifying the entire national economic complex of our country is aimed at increasing the volume and expanding the range of manufactured products that are in great demand abroad. In this regard, the leader of the domestic fuel and energy industry, the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries (TCOR) of the Türkmennebit State Concern, carries out large-scale activities.

During the years of independence, the Complex has undergone a major reconstruction and has become one of the largest oil refineries in the world. Thanks to impressive government investments, plants for the manufacture of various types of commercial products from crude oil and modern supply facilities were commissioned there. In a very short time, a modern oil refining complex appeared on the site of a former conventional plant.

International recognition of the highest quality of products of the Complex, built over the past fifteen years, ensures an increase in interest in it from foreign partners. Currently, the TCOR produces unleaded motor gasoline, aviation and technical kerosene, jet and diesel fuels, fuel oil, motor oils, polypropylene, heating oil, light gas oil, petroleum electrode coke, liquefied gas, construction and road bitumen and other products, which amount to a significant part of the export potential of the Turkmen state.

The complex also continues to build new modern facilities. Facilities built in accordance with international quality standards contribute to a significant increase in the manufacture of additional petroleum products as a result of deepening oil refining at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries.

Over the years of independence of our homeland, about fifty industrial facilities and buildings for cultural and domestic purposes have been built on the territory of the TCOR. World-famous foreign companies participated in their implementation as contractors. Projects implemented by Turkmen businessmen also occupy a worthy place in this list.

The enterprise, which plays an important role in the growth of the economic power of the Turkmen state and the consistent increase in the standard of living of the people, is moving with confident steps to new heights under the wise leadership of the President of the country. In the period from January to April of the current year, being held under the motto “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”, about 1 million 438.7 thousand tons of crude oil, received at the TCOR, were processed, while the plan was fulfilled with a surplus of 12 thousand 286 tons and 17 thousand 643 tons, respectively.

The total volume of various types of gasoline produced by the Enterprise during the reporting period amounted to about 440 thousand tons. It is also necessary to note the fulfillment of the plan for the production of kerosene for this period by 106.2 percent, diesel fuel by 100.1 percent and motor oils by 110.1 percent. The plan for the production of liquefied gas, which is one of the most popular products in foreign markets, was fulfilled by 257 percent. The plan for the production of petroleum bitumen was fulfilled twice as much as planned. All types of petrochemicals produced under the logo “Made in Turkmenistan” are among the most popular goods not only in the domestic but also in foreign markets.
