President of Turkmenistan discusses prospects for cooperation in fuel and energy sector with UAE Minister of Economy
President of Turkmenistan discusses prospects for cooperation in fuel and energy sector with UAE Minister of Economy

On June 25, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Abdullah bin Tuk Al-Marry, Minister of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, who arrived in the Turkmen capital leading a delegation for participation in the Turkmenistan-UAE Business Forum.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to meet in person, the guest conveyed warm regards from the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to the Turkmenistan President. It was emphasized that the UAE places great importance on strengthening fruitful relations with fraternal Turkmenistan, based on shared historical roots and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Thanking for the kind words, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov extended warm greetings and best wishes to the head of the friendly state, noting that the United Arab Emirates is a long-term partner of Turkmenistan. The inter-state dialogue, he underscored, is built on principles of mutual respect and support.

The Turkmenistan-UAE Business Forum in Ashgabat aims to enhance ties between the two countries and exchange views on new directions for bilateral cooperation, the President continued, wishing success and fruitful conduct of the business event.

During discussions on the prospects for further partnership, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and his guest noted with satisfaction the dynamic development of relations between Turkmenistan and the UAE in recent years. They highlighted the active nature of political dialogue and cooperation within authoritative structures, including the United Nations, as evidence of mutual support on the international stage.

Increasing bilateral trade figures were noted during the meeting. To strengthen productive ties in this sphere, coordinated contacts between the governmental bodies of both countries and favorable conditions for trade development, mutual business events, and conferences were emphasized.


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed firm confidence that the current Turkmenistan-UAE Business Forum would contribute to expanding trade relations and establishing effective partnerships in the private sector.

The energy sector, particularly fuel and energy complexes, was identified as a promising area, where Turkmenistan aims to diversify its industry through joint ventures with leading UAE companies.

The Minister of Economy of the friendly country highlighted the UAE business community's interest in consolidating its position in the promising Turkmen market. Inviting UAE companies to participate in major international energy projects in Turkmenistan, the President expressed support for realizing investment potential in this direction.

Renewable and green energy sectors were among the new areas of cooperation discussed. The importance of expanding partnerships in this field was underscored, with mutual readiness to explore opportunities for joint projects.

Special attention was given to the strategic significance of international transport and transit corridors for both countries. Acknowledging this, the necessity for further cooperation in developing a multifaceted transport system, including maritime, railway, and air routes, was noted.

In conclusion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Minister of Economy of the UAE expressed confidence that the traditionally friendly inter-state dialogue, based on principles of openness, will continue to successfully develop for the benefit of both countries and their peoples on a mutually beneficial long-term basis, enriched with new concrete content.
