The need to ensure a high level of oil and gas production in our country requires accelerating geological exploration in both well-known oil and gas areas and new, promising, yet undeveloped regions. This primarily concerns the Garabogazyaka region.
The territory of Garabogazyaka belongs to the southwestern edge of the Turkmen plate, which is part of the epicontinental platform. The northern part of Garabogazyaka is characterized by a thick layer of Jurassic and Permo-Triassic sediments, which are oil- and gas-bearing for the region. The oil and gas potential of Northern Garabogazyaka is based on the similarity of its geological structure with the oil and gas regions of Southern Kazakhstan. In this area, an oil flow of 240 tons per day was obtained in the Oymasha field. The Southern Mangyshlak region preserves 9 productive horizons up to Triassic sediments and 13 horizons up to Jurassic sediments. At the border with Turkmenistan, oil flow was obtained from the middle Triassic section in the Aksuv-Kenderli and Temirbaba fields. These areas also have oil- and gas-bearing deposits of Cretaceous and Paleogene.
High signs of oil and gas potential in Northern Garabogazyaka have also been identified within Turkmenistan. In 2000, a gas canyon was discovered in the Tazedeppe field, where a gas flow of 221 thousand m3/day was recorded in Upper Jurassic (Kellowey) sediments at a depth of 1973–2056 meters. However, due to the lack of continued exploration and drilling activities, these developments were suspended. Through 2D-UCHNU seismic works and exploration drilling, objects such as Tazeguýy, Garaşsyz, Galkynyş, Çukurçy, and Atanyýaz were prepared. Wells were drilled in the Garaşsyz and Galkynyş areas down to the Paleozoic, and oil and gas-bearing layers were identified. These wells may be located in unfavorable geological conditions, requiring further studies. In the northeastern part of Northern Garabogazyaka, wells have been drilled in recent years in the Eastern Tamdy, Azatlyk, Çagyllyşor, and Üçýyllyk fields, where Jurassic sediments have been uncovered, confirming signs of oil and gas potential. Modern geological exploration works need to be conducted in the segmented structures of Tazedeppe, Dörtgul, and Garygarasay to clarify their geological structure and prepare for exploration through drilling on the oil- and gas-bearing horizons of Jurassic and Permo-Triassic sediments. By drilling in these fields, exploration in Tazedeppe and other fields can be accelerated, allowing for the initiation of geological exploration work in this promising region.
Engineer of the "Oil and Gas Geology" Institute,
State Concern "Türkmennebit".
Source: Tükrmenmetbugat