Turkmenistan and Iran are intensifying cooperation in the gas sector
Turkmenistan and Iran are intensifying cooperation in the gas sector

Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, based on principles of friendship, good neighborliness, mutual respect, and equal partnership, have been developing mutually beneficial relations in the gas sector for many years.

The positive experience of joint activities in the supply of Turkmen gas to Iran and through its territory to third countries serves as a solid foundation for enhancing the potential of bilateral partnership in this field.

In this context, it should be noted that currently, Turkmen and Iranian parties are actively working together to implement agreements previously reached at the highest state level on the development of gas cooperation. For the expansion of gas transport infrastructure, Iranian companies will undertake the construction of a new 125-kilometer gas pipeline and three gas compressor stations in Turkmenistan, necessary for the supply of additional volumes of gas to Iran. It should be emphasized that in addition to existing capacities, there are plans to increase the volume of gas supplied to Iran via the Dowletabad – Sarakhs – Hangeran routes and through the Chaloyuk gas metering station to 40 billion cubic meters per year.

To further utilize the great potential for effective interaction in gas supplies, negotiations between Turkmen and Iranian parties were held in Ashgabat from July 1-3, 2024, during which a wide range of issues related to the further development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the gas sector were discussed.

Following these meetings, Turkmen and Iranian parties signed a contract for the purchase and sale of up to 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, which will be supplied from Turkmenistan to the Republic of Iraq through the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran under a "SWAP" scheme.
