Turkmenistan held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers under the digital system
Turkmenistan held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers under the digital system

On 13 September, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, with a number of priority issues of state life on the agenda.

Majlis Speaker D. Gulmanova was the first to speak, informing about the ongoing work to modernise national legislation.

As it was informed, at present, in order to strengthen the legal base of large-scale transformations carried out in the country, amendments and additions are made to a number of legislative acts, in particular, regulating civil legal relations, issues related to administrative offences, taxes, development of motor transport.

Information was also given on the preparations for the national forum dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Fatherland. Work in this direction is carried out jointly with the Apparatus of Halk Maslakhaty, the Cabinet of Ministers, relevant ministries and sectoral departments, khakimliks, public organisations.

Within the framework of strengthening relations with parliaments of foreign states and international organisations, a meeting was held with the head of regional development department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth of Nations and Development of Great Britain. Meetings of the deputies of Mejlis with representatives of the structural subdivisions of the United Nations Organisation were also held.

The Head of the Parliament informed about the participation of the people's elected representatives in the activities aimed at explaining the goals and objectives of the implemented state policy and adopted laws, the historical and socio-political significance of the forthcoming session of the Khalk Maslakhaty, the successes achieved in the country for 33 years of independence to the broad layers of the population.

Summarising the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the new bills being drafted should be perfect and meet modern realities. These laws should reflect the effectiveness of the implemented state policy, create conditions for further improvement of people's welfare, the head of Turkmenistan said, stressing that work should be continued to explain them to the population.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimiradov reported on the results of the Investment Forum, international conference on attracting high technologies and innovations to the economy of Turkmenistan, as well as relevant exhibitions held in Ashgabat on 10-11 September.

Source: State news agency 
