Drillers of the Türkmennebit State Concern make a significant contribution to the Concern’s labor successes
Drillers of the Türkmennebit State Concern make a significant contribution to the Concern’s labor successes

The President of Turkmenistan notes in his speeches that increasing the capacity of the Türkmennebit State Concern, along with other structures, is one of the main priority areas of the state policy. This requires regular performance of production functions by the sectoral structures of the Concern and the improvement of the financial and economic indicators and profitability of enterprises. Based on this, specialists from the drilling directorates of the Nebitgazburawlaýyş Trust of the Concern are making every effort to successfully complete the tasks of the year “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”. 

During the reporting period of the current year, according to the results of drilling operations carried out throughout the Trust, out of 23 wells drilled, 18 are operational and are currently involved in hydrocarbon production. During this period, the Türkmennebit State Concern fulfilled the plan for the extraction of “black gold” from industrially developed wells by 102.7 percent. A worthy contribution to achieving such success was made by the Concern’s drillers, in particular, specialists from the Ekerem Drilling Directorate, who skillfully operate powerful drilling rigs purchased from China and Russia. This modern equipment, powerful drilling rigs, are capable of penetrating to a depth of 7 thousand meters. This is a reliable basis for the discovery of new deep oil deposits in the Miocene strata and for a significant increase in the volume of resources available for development. 

At the Directorate, during the reporting period of the current year, four wells were successfully drilled at hydrocarbon-rich fields in Western Turkmenistan. Three of these new wells are production ones. 

“Our main goal is to respond with worthy work to the tasks set by the esteemed President to Turkmen oil workers, thereby justifying the trust of the head of state. In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, each of us makes our feasible contribution to strengthening the economic power of our Motherland. The design depths of the wells we drill at the Uzynada, Keýmir, Northern Ekerem, Şatut, Northern Goturdepe, Kemer and Porsy fields in the western region of the country reach from 2,750 meters to 6,800 meters. Currently, the URALMASH-3D drilling rig is dynamically working on a new well, No. 21, with a design depth of 3,650 meters. The teams led by drilling managers Amantuvak Hajituvakov and Gurbandurdy Amandurdiyev work with great enthusiasm. A professional in his field, master driller Ovezdurdy Gurbanov shares his rich experience and provides mentoring support to his young colleagues. Specialists of the production and service department, headed by the director Abdyrahman Saparmuradov, continuously provide drilling facilities with the necessary equipment and tools. The current pace of work proves that our work teams will worthily celebrate the 33rd anniversary of our Motherland’s independence,” Arslan Annaseyidov, Deputy Head of the Ekerem Drilling Directorate, says proudly.  
