The results of the Investment Forum of Turkmenistan were summed up in Ashgabat
The results of the Investment Forum of Turkmenistan were summed up in Ashgabat

On September 16, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country held a briefing in the format of a conference on the results of the Investment Forum of Turkmenistan, as well as on the occasion of commissioning and laying the foundation of gas, electric power, transport and communication infrastructure projects with the participation of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

The event was attended by heads of ministries and sectoral departments, heads of diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations accredited in our country, and the media.

In the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, the initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to create a favorable investment climate in Turkmenistan are currently being successfully implemented by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

A vivid confirmation of this is the representative composition of the Investment Forum held in the capital and the agreements reached within its framework.

Along with this, it should be noted that the commissioning and laying of the foundation of energy, transport and communication facilities on the border of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan with the participation of the Hero Arkadaga and with the blessing of the head of state became another expression of the success of the country's foreign policy based on the traditions of good neighborliness.

As it was emphasized, under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, stable socio-economic development of the Motherland is ensured, reforms are being carried out in all sectors of the national economy, and therefore the country's investment opportunities are increasing.

The investment Forum held on September 10-11 in Ashgabat demonstrated that Turkmenistan positions itself as a reliable and powerful economic state.

In this context, the importance of familiarizing the world community, in particular, business structures, with the investment and economic opportunities of the country, as well as with the conditions created to attract investment, was emphasized.

At the same time, the laying of the foundation and commissioning of energy, transport and communication facilities with the participation of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan demonstrated to the world the potential of our state in the implementation of ambitious projects.

These important projects being implemented will have a positive impact on the socio-economic development not only of the participating countries, but also of the region as a whole.

Turkmen-Afghan relations are based on the principles of mutual respect, good neighborliness, friendship and brotherhood. This is clearly reflected in the implementation of joint large-scale projects, in particular, in the transport and communication, fuel and energy sectors.

As noted, the construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline, Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan power transmission lines and railways occupy a special place in a number of major projects.

As it was emphasized, the successful implementation of these projects will serve not only the interests of the peoples of the two countries, but also contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic system of other states in the region.

Turkmenistan, taking a responsible and far-sighted approach to developing solutions to important issues on the international agenda, takes an active part in common efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. In this context, the creation of a modern energy security system is an essential condition.

As noted, Turkmenistan, confidently following the chosen creative path, carries out large-scale activities aimed at strengthening peace and stability in the regional and global dimensions, expanding friendly and good-neighborly relations, and developing effective interstate cooperation.

Thus, the current briefing clearly demonstrated that the constructive transformations initiated by the Hero-Arkadag are currently successfully continuing under the far-sighted leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Source: State News Agency
