The Turkmen leader met with representatives of the business community of Germany
The Turkmen leader met with representatives of the business community of Germany

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is taking part in the second meeting of the heads of Central Asian states with German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the capital of Kazakhstan, met with representatives of the business circles of the friendly country.

Expressing the deep interest of the German business community in expanding traditional cooperation with Turkmenistan in a number of promising areas, the participants noted that such increased attention is due to both the accumulated positive experience of many years of joint work and the favorable conditions created in the country for foreign business.

Warmly welcoming the heads of major companies and members of the official delegation of the friendly state, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction the growing interest in Turkmenistan and the expansion of the framework of bilateral cooperation, as clearly evidenced by the representative composition of the participants of today's meeting.

As noted, Turkmenistan's effective mutually beneficial relations with the business community, large companies, and the banking sector of the Federal Republic of Germany have been going on for decades. During this time, solid experience has been accumulated and stable partnership schemes have been established.

"At the same time, we must admit that we can achieve much more significant indicators in the field of trade, economy, investments, joint ventures, and infrastructure projects," the head of state stressed.

The Turkmen-German Business Forum held in Berlin last year outlined important guidelines, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, suggesting in this regard to continue the dialogue in specific areas.

– In the transport and communication sectors, we proceed from the fact that German big business understands the prospects of its participation in infrastructure projects in Turkmenistan, – the President of the country continued.

In this regard, they noted their willingness to consider the possibility of using our country's port facilities in the Caspian Sea in the interests of German business. In particular, it was proposed to create a Liebherr lifting equipment service center in the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, which is important for training local specialists in the maintenance of cargo ships and equipment.

The desire of the Turkmen side to establish cooperation in the field of modernization of the railways of Turkmenistan was also voiced. Taking into account the interest of Deutsche Bahn, they expressed their readiness for a substantive discussion of this issue.

Among the promising areas of partnership, the head of state also identified the chemical industry, saying that negotiations are currently underway with the German side on a project for the development and withdrawal of the Garlyk potash mining complex for the production of mineral fertilizers to its design capacity. In this regard, a proposal was made to create a consortium of three German companies: Ercosplan, K-Utec and Schachtbau to implement this comprehensive project.

– Another project concerns the Kiyanly Polymer Plant, – continued President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, focusing on the possibility of involving German specialists in repair work on exhaust gas systems installed here manufactured by MAN Energy Solutions.

Recalling that a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of textile industry was signed between the German company Trützschler Group SE and the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan within the framework of the Investment Forum of Turkmenistan held recently in Ashgabat, the Head of state stressed that, based on this document, it is necessary to move on to specific parameters of interaction.

The directions of cooperation in the field of communications were also identified. A number of memoranda have been signed with LS telecom AG, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH Co.

– In the water sector, it is necessary to implement the proposals of a consortium of German companies, including Higgins and PSE Engineering, etc., to modernize the water supply and water distribution system in Turkmenistan. In particular, the project of renovation of the Karakum Canal is proposed," the head of the Turkmen state said.

In addition, German companies were invited to participate in the development of green transformation projects in Turkmenistan. First of all, we are talking about the introduction of low-carb technologies and the reduction of greenhouse emissions.

"We also support long–term cooperation with German companies in the field of modernizing the work of the country's urban structures and introducing innovative management methods," the head of state stressed.

Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of constant exchange of experience in the training of young specialists, citing as an example the creation of training centers in the field of agriculture.

– Turkmenistan has something to offer Germany. These are products of the chemical industry and the agro-industrial complex, textiles, and a wide range of other goods of high quality and competitiveness. We look forward to opening segments of the German market, creating mutually beneficial and sustainable partnership models through the establishment of trading houses and other forms of business interaction," the head of Turkmenistan said, expressing confidence in the support of these plans from private and state structures of Germany.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov proposed to include these issues, among other topics, on the agenda of the 10th meeting of the Joint Turkmen-German Working Group on Economic Cooperation, which is scheduled to be held in Berlin in early November this year.

In general, noting the impressive potential for further strengthening trade and economic ties, the head of state once again stressed our country's interest in working together with Germany and readiness to provide comprehensive support in this regard.

The heads of the largest German companies who spoke then expressed gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his active assistance and proactive approach to building mutually beneficial cooperation, noting that the favorable investment climate created in Turkmenistan and the significant benefits provided to foreign businesses open up great opportunities for successful collaboration in a wide range of areas.

At the same time, speaking about the new quality of economic cooperation, taking into account the large-scale reforms being carried out in our country and the demands of the rapidly developing national economy, the parties were unanimous in the opinion that it should be high-tech and innovative.

At the end of the discussion of the prospects for multidimensional cooperation, built on a long-term mutually beneficial basis, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and representatives of the business elite of Germany exchanged good wishes, expressing confidence that all the agreements reached and proposals made today will soon move into a practical plane and will contribute to bringing the traditional Turkmen-German dialogue to an even higher, responsible level. the level of mutual interests.

Source: State News Agency
