President of Turkmenistan Holds Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
President of Turkmenistan Holds Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan

On July 3, the President of Turkmenistan and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov, held a regular meeting of the State Security Council. The agenda included reviewing the results of the work of military and law enforcement agencies over the past six months, as well as issues of ensuring security and tranquility in our sovereign Motherland, strengthening the material and technical base of the power structures, and further improving their activities.

The first speaker was the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defense B. Gundogdyev, who reported on the practical steps taken since the beginning of the year to successfully fulfill the primary tasks facing the supervised institutions, including the re-equipment of the National Army and enhancing the theoretical knowledge and combat skills of military personnel of all branches of the armed forces. Additionally, a report was made on the results of the spring conscription campaign and preparations for the military parade on the occasion of the next anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that, in accordance with the Military Doctrine, which is purely defensive in nature, and the requirements of the times, measures should continue to be implemented to enhance the readiness of the Armed Forces to fulfill defense tasks and the professionalism of army personnel. Alongside this, the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defense, was instructed to properly prepare for the military parade in honor of the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence and ensure a high organizational level for the planned events.

Attorney General B. Mukhammedov reported on the results of activities conducted during the first half of the current year, the comprehensive steps taken to oversee the compliance with legislative acts. He also reported on the implementation of earlier instructions given by the head of Turkmenistan, including the introduction of advanced technologies and the resolution of social issues.

Upon hearing the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces noted the role and importance of the Prosecutor's Office as a state body protecting the rights of citizens and the interests of society and the state. Special emphasis was placed on the need to ensure strict control over the precise implementation of laws and legal acts by all sectors. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also instructed the Attorney General to intensify crime prevention measures and actively conduct awareness-raising activities in this direction.

Next, Minister of Internal Affairs M. Khydyrov reported on the results of work carried out from January to June 2024, as well as the practical steps taken to ensure public order and prevent offenses. Alongside this, a report was made on the measures being implemented to improve the activities of traffic and fire supervision units and create proper conditions for the effective service and living conditions of employees.

Focusing on the main functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the head of Turkmenistan stated the need to maintain law and order at a high level, as well as public order. In connection with the summer season and rising temperatures, the minister was instructed to control the adherence to fire safety regulations.

Chairman of the Supreme Court B. Khojamgulyyev reported on the results of the activities of the structure he leads for the past six months, the practical steps taken to properly organize the administration of justice. He also reported on the implementation of the corresponding Development Program, the introduction of a digital system, and the study of advanced experience in this field.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that one of the key tasks of this body is to ensure legality, justice, and law and order. Particular attention should be paid to personnel issues, continued the head of state, instructing judges to provide explanations on the application of legislation. The head of the Supreme Court was also instructed to systematically enhance the qualifications of employees.

Minister of National Security N. Atagaraev then reported on the results of the activities carried out during the reporting period and the comprehensive measures being taken to protect the national interests of the state, maintain stability, and create a favorable public climate. A report was also made on the implementation of the instructions previously given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and the corresponding Development Program of the Ministry.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the great achievements and high milestones being reached are inextricably linked with ensuring security in the country. Highlighting the special mission entrusted to the Ministry of National Security and the enormous responsibility of its employees in addressing the tasks at hand, the head of state gave the Minister the relevant instructions.

Head of the State Border Service Y. Nuriyev reported on the results of work carried out during the reporting period, the specific steps taken to ensure the reliable protection of the sacred borders of the Motherland, the modernization of border posts, the enhancement of the professionalism of military personnel, and the organized events for military-patriotic education among young soldiers.

After hearing the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces noted that the border of independent neutral Turkmenistan should be a stronghold of friendly relations with neighboring and other states, symbolizing the triumph of internal and foreign policy. Conditions will continue to be created for the effective service and living conditions of the defenders of the Motherland, modern buildings and structures of border units and social facilities will be erected, said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, instructing the relevant work to ensure the peaceful and prosperous life of the people.

Minister of Justice M. Taganov then reported on the results of activities for January-June of the current year, including the modernization of the national legal framework. He also reported on the progress of implementing the corresponding Development Program.

Summarizing the report, the head of state emphasized that work should be conducted to explain legislation among the population, in institutions, and at enterprises. Alongside this, it was instructed to organize educational events on the large-scale transformations being implemented for the benefit of the people and the prosperity of the Motherland, as well as on the achieved successes.

Next, Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Khudaikulyev reported on the practical steps taken since the beginning of the year to technically re-equip the supervised department and ensure the coordinated activities of structural subdivisions.

After hearing the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces emphasized the importance of systematically enhancing the qualifications of military personnel to effectively use specialized equipment. Highlighting the need to study global innovative technologies in the field of customs control, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the head of the department specific instructions.

Chairman of the State Migration Service A. Sazakov then reported on the work carried out during the designated period, the measures implemented to ensure the proper fulfillment of the responsibilities entrusted to the employees, and the successful resolution of tasks defined in the Development Program of the supervised body.

Summarizing the report, the head of Turkmenistan noted that organizing the effective activities of this department requires constantly improving the professionalism of employees, creating conditions for conducting migration procedures in accordance with generally accepted international standards. In this regard, instructions were given to control the compliance of Turkmen and foreign citizens with migration laws.

Summarizing the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces emphasized that, in accordance with the defensive Military Doctrine of Turkmenistan, measures are being taken to ensure high-level security and integrity of the independent, permanently neutral Motherland. Great attention is paid to strengthening the defense capability of the Motherland and improving the living conditions of its defenders and their families, continued the head of state, noting that work in this direction will continue.

At the meeting of the State Security Council, a number of other issues were also considered, and corresponding decisions were made.

In conclusion, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health and great success in their responsible service for the peaceful and happy life of the people.

Source: State news agency
