Turkmenistan attaches particular importance to the cooperation of the CIS countries in the North–South transport corridor project
Turkmenistan attaches particular importance to the cooperation of the CIS countries in the North–South transport corridor project

Turkmenistan attaches particular importance to the cooperation of the CIS countries in the North–South transport corridor project along the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea with further access to Iran and further to the seaports of the Indian Ocean. In this regard, the head of the Turkmen state, speaking at a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States, held in Moscow, voiced a proposal to begin substantive discussion and coordination of common tariff, customs, visa and other preferences for the participating countries of the project.

– We believe that similar work should be carried out in the context of plans to create transport corridors through the territory of the countries of Central Asia and the Caspian region along the East–West line, – said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, proposing to consider in specific terms the modalities of this work – specifying deadlines, agendas and so on, to give instructions to the relevant departments of our countries.

In the energy sector, Turkmenistan advocates expanding the volume and geography of energy supplies across the CIS and beyond. We are talking about both raw materials and electricity. Our country considers it a very important area of cooperation to create conditions in the CIS for the functioning of a "green" economy, the formation of economic and industrial clusters based on low-carbon energy. This is a promising task, but we need to approach its implementation now, using the serious scientific and technological potential that exists in our countries, creating conditions for joint research and practical cooperation.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan also stressed that against the background of complex processes observed in various parts of the world at the present time, our task, responsibility and purpose is to preserve what is of particular importance to the peoples of the CIS – traditions of good neighborliness, mutual understanding, respect based on those historical ties and basic values that we share. An effective way to preserve and develop them is broad and multifaceted cultural cooperation, the participation of the Commonwealth countries in holding major events that take place in our countries on significant occasions.​

Source: State News Agency
