A regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the CIS was held
A regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the CIS was held

On September 16, a regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the CIS (ICCC CIS) was held in the capital's Yyldyz Hotel, which was attended by representatives of relevant ministries and departments, research and production centers of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and other states, as well as the Executive the CIS Committee. 

During the meeting, a wide range of issues related to the further development of cooperation in the agricultural sector were discussed in a hybrid format.

Deputy Chairman of the ICCC of the CIS, Doctor of Sciences, Academician Ivan Kuzmin stressed the fruitful nature of the interaction of this organization with Turkmenistan, which is implementing fundamental reforms in the agro-industrial complex.

Chairman of the Council, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Grakun, who then spoke, noted that the further development of breeding and seed production in the Commonwealth countries is important for the agricultural industry, in particular, in the production of products and ensuring its competitiveness in world markets.

Ilkhom Nematov, Deputy Secretary General of the CIS Executive Committee, addressed the participants of the meeting on digital communication, who noted that Turkmenistan, being an active participant in the integration process in the Commonwealth, is a steadily developing country and always responsibly approaches the holding of CIS events on its territory.

Taking into account the priorities of the policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, large-scale transformations are being carried out in agriculture, contributing to strengthening food security and the country's export potential.

Specific measures are being taken to increase agricultural production, including through the rational use of land and water resources, increase crop yields, the introduction of modern technologies, and the latest achievements of agricultural science.

During the meeting, information was heard on the state of affairs in the field of crop breeding, variety testing, seed production, nursery production and provision of seeds, seedlings of grapes and fruit trees in the Commonwealth countries.

Turkmen scientists and specialists are carrying out appropriate work to increase crop yields, introduce scientifically based crop rotation, and increase agricultural production. In this regard, it was noted that Turkmenistan is open to broad international cooperation and exchange of best practices in the agro-industrial sector, which meets the interests of general well-being.

At the same time, the importance of the fruitful partnership established within the framework of the Commonwealth in the supply of varietal and hybrid seeds, planting material for fruit and berry crops and grapes, which serves the sustainable development of agro-industrial production in the member countries, was emphasized.


In this regard, a significant role is assigned to the creation of an information and analytical system for seed management in the CIS, which is designed to further strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the agricultural sector and interstate integration ties.

The subject of special consideration was the issues of cooperation within the CIS in the field of breeding and seed production of potatoes, winter wheat, cotton, as well as pest control and diseases of agricultural crops.

The meeting participants were greatly interested in the report on the creation of a seed-growing association of vegetable and berry crops in the Commonwealth countries, which will allow the formation of a powerful breeding and seed industry, involving its members in this work.

The speakers also noted that Turkmenistan, being an associate member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, takes an active part in its activities. Cooperation within the framework of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production in the CIS is becoming increasingly effective. Our country aims to continue fruitful partnership, advocating the coordination of joint activities in the field of breeding and variety testing, taking into account soil and climatic conditions, for strengthening mutually beneficial contacts in the fields of seed production and interstate supplies of varietal seeds.During the meeting, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed deep gratitude for the assistance provided in organizing the current meeting, creating all conditions for fruitful collaboration.

As part of the current event, an exhibition of agricultural products was launched at the International Science and Technology Park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

The exhibition at the International Science and Technology Park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan provided an opportunity for guests to get acquainted with samples of the best varieties of medium-fiber and especially valuable – fine–fiber cotton, each of which is the result of many years of work by domestic breeders.

Within the framework of the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhalliev and Khakimov velayatov met with Deputy Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the CIS Ivan Kuzmin, at which issues of mutually beneficial cooperation in the relevant field were discussed.

It should be noted that new varieties of winter wheat have been developed at the Scientific Research Institute of Grain Production of the Ministry of Agriculture. 

This event was a clear result of the efforts made to successfully fulfill the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to improve seed breeding activities in the agricultural sector of the country and its development based on advanced scientific achievements and technologies. The three new varieties received, respectively, the following names: "Serdar", "Arkadag" and "Pyragy".Today, round tables were held on practical steps to use new crop varieties in agricultural production, including winter wheat, achievements in seed production, as well as creating conditions for the training of young scientific personnel who will deal with new wheat varieties.


Source: State news agency 
