The book "The Glorious Path of the New Era of a Powerful State" has been published
The book "The Glorious Path of the New Era of a Powerful State" has been published

The first volume of the publication ‘The Glorious Path of the New Era of the Powerful State’ contains a chronicle of the activities of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as scientific and informational materials highlighting the dynamics of positive changes in the country.

The works of the head of state collected in this book have both theoretical and practical value for the further development of national science, history, political science and social science.

The materials included in the first volume tell about the modern ideology of Turkmenistan and demonstrate how the welfare and social protection of citizens are being improved in accordance with the policy of our country pursued under the mottos "The state is for the people!" and "The state is a state only with the people!".

The key element of the book is a comprehensive analysis of the events of the year 2022, which passed under the motto Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasy ("The Era of the People with Arkadag"). This year became a landmark in the history of the country, marking the beginning of a new era that will determine the further development of Turkmenistan within the framework of its independent status.

Prepared for printing by the Archive Fund of the President of Turkmenistan of the Main Archive Department under the Cabinet of Ministers, the book is published in Turkmen, Russian and English. It has a scientific reference annex, including name and geographical indexes and a list of abbreviations.

The publication serves as a valuable educational resource for students, teachers, scientists and public and political figures, for all those interested in the recent history of our country. It contributes to the education of young people in the spirit of patriotism, humanism, diligence and high morality, forming the principles of a healthy lifestyle and a sense of civic responsibility.

Source: Turkmenistan: The Golden Age
