Korean companies make a significant contribution to the development of Turkmen-Korean economic relations
Korean companies make a significant contribution to the development of Turkmen-Korean economic relations

On June 27, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the leader of Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., Mr. Baek Jung-wan. Expressing gratitude for the hospitality extended and the opportunity to discuss current issues and priority directions for further fruitful business partnership in person, the guest conveyed warm greetings from President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol. He noted his delight at the meeting, which took place on the eve of the first anniversary of the opening of the first "smart" city in Central Asia, Arkadag, symbolizing the prosperity and strength of sovereign Turkmenistan.

Warmly welcoming the leader of the renowned Korean company and thanking him for his kind words, the head of state conveyed his best wishes in return to the leadership of the friendly country, expressing confidence that the current visit would give new impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation.

During the meeting, it was noted that the consistent development and strengthening of relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding are among the priority directions of the foreign policy doctrine of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

In this context, the significant importance of the recent state visit to Turkmenistan by President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, this month was emphasized, resulting in important agreements and arrangements defining prospective areas of joint work.

Priority areas identified included the gas and chemical industries, transportation, high technology, investments, and many others, where joint efforts leveraging existing potential and opportunities are seen as most effective.

Special emphasis was placed on the substantial opportunities for bilateral partnership in creating a new image for Turkmen cities, involving Korean companies in the second stage of constructing the unique "smart" city of Arkadag and implementing the mega-project "Ashgabat City."

It was stated that our countries actively cooperate in political-diplomatic and trade-economic spheres. Particularly notable is the effective and consistent enhancement of inter-parliamentary relations.

Great importance is attached to strengthening traditional cultural and humanitarian ties, which contribute to bringing together and mutual understanding between the two fraternal peoples.

Korean companies make a significant contribution to the development of Turkmen-Korean economic cooperation, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized, noting their active participation in major projects in the gas and chemical industry of the country.

Currently, Turkmenistan is implementing state-level programs for modernizing and diversifying various sectors of the national economy, where primary tasks are clearly defined and large-scale projects are successfully being implemented.

In this regard, the head of state highly appreciated the established positive cooperation between the State Concern "Türkmenhimiýa" and Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., stating the readiness of the Turkmen side to consider specific proposals from Korean partners regarding the development of the chemical industry, particularly in the production of phosphorus, ammonia, and urea fertilizers.

Highlighting that Turkmenistan, renowned worldwide as a reliable business partner, has established a solid foundation for the effective operations of foreign companies and the implementation of joint investment projects, the guest noted that cooperation with our country, which follows the path of sustainable development and possesses powerful economic potential, is a great honor for the company he heads.

Recognizing the presence of good opportunities for expanding mutually beneficial partnership in new promising directions, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the leader of Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. good health, well-being, and great success in his work.
