Esteemed President Held a Meeting of the State Security Council
Esteemed President Held a Meeting of the State Security Council

On March 5, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov, held a meeting of the State Security Council. The meeting summarized the performance of military and law enforcement agencies over the past two months and addressed issues of ensuring security and stability in our independent state, strengthening the material and technical base of security forces, and further improving their operations.

The first to speak was the Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defense B. Gundogdyev, who reported on the practical steps taken since the beginning of the year to enhance the country’s defense capabilities, implement digital systems within subordinate structures, and apply advanced experience. A report was also presented on the implementation of the Armed Forces Development Program and the conditions created for the productive service and well-being of officers and their families.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the defensive Military Doctrine of permanently neutral Turkmenistan is a reliable guarantee of peace and prosperity in the country. Attention was also drawn to the importance of further equipping the Armed Forces with modern technology, improving the activities of the Ministry of Defense and its subordinate structures. Noting the need for continuous professional development of officers and patriotic education of young military personnel, the head of state stressed the necessity of continuing the programmatic work on modernizing and developing the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and issued several instructions to the Secretary of the State Security Council and the Minister of Defense.

The Prosecutor General, B. Mukhammedov, reported on the results of activities over the past two months aimed at ensuring proper prosecutorial oversight of compliance with legal and regulatory provisions and actively implementing digital systems. It was also noted that special importance is given to improving staff professionalism and strengthening the material and technical base of the prosecution authorities. Additionally, a report was presented on the execution of directives previously issued by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of systematic prosecutorial oversight of law enforcement and legal acts in the country, as well as professional staff training, issuing a series of directives to the Prosecutor General.

Next, Minister of Internal Affairs M. Hydyrov reported on the work carried out in January and February to prevent traffic accidents, enforce fire safety regulations, and maintain public order. It was reported that, as part of the agency’s Development Program, structural units are being equipped with advanced equipment and technology, and digital systems are being actively implemented. It was also noted that several facilities were inaugurated during this period, particularly in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

After reviewing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that efforts to maintain public order, prevent offenses, ensure road safety, and enforce fire safety regulations should continue. Emphasizing the necessity of widespread digitalization and the adoption of new methods and cutting-edge technologies for effectively addressing the ministry’s tasks, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces issued corresponding instructions to the Minister.

Chairman of the Supreme Court B. Khojamgulyyev reported on the results of activities over the past two months, the introduction of digital systems, and practical steps taken to enhance the efficiency of the judiciary and strengthen human resources. A report was also presented on the implementation of the ministry’s Development Program and the execution of directives previously issued by the President of Turkmenistan.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a document on the appointment and dismissal of judges of Turkmenistan’s courts and their qualification classifications. He emphasized the importance of proper legal oversight, identifying and eliminating causes of legal violations, and implementing effective measures to improve the quality of judicial operations and court proceedings. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces issued specific instructions to the head of the Supreme Court.

Next, Minister of National Security N. Atagariyev reported on the work carried out during the specified period and the measures taken to maintain peace and stability in the country.

Following the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of continuously improving national security efforts and issued several directives to the Minister.

Then, Chief of the State Border Service Y. Nuryyev reported on the practical measures taken over the past two months to ensure the proper protection of the nation's sacred borders, strengthen the material and technical base of the Border Troops, enhance officers' professional skills, and foster patriotism among young border guards.

Summarizing the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces emphasized that the border of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan is a stronghold of friendly relations with neighboring states. In this regard, special attention must be given to the technical re-equipment of the agency’s units and the timely and full implementation of the measures outlined in the Border Troops Development Program. The head of state issued specific instructions to the Service Chief regarding the continued effective protection of the State Border.

Minister of Adalat (Justice) M. Taganov then reported on activities carried out in January and February, including the preparation of relevant proposals for modernizing national law enforcement practices, the introduction of digital systems within the ministry’s structural divisions, and the implementation of directives previously issued by the President of Turkmenistan.

After reviewing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov identified the further refinement of legislative work as one of the key priorities. He highlighted the importance of studying international best practices in this area and issued several instructions to the Minister, including the preparation of legislative proposals, legal analyses of draft laws, and organizing public awareness initiatives to explain legal norms.

Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Khudaikuliyev reported on the practical steps taken since the beginning of the year to modernize technical infrastructure, ensure the efficient operation of units, and implement the agency’s Development Program.

After reviewing the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces emphasized that, given the modernization of the agency’s material and technical base, systematic training courses for military personnel should be conducted. The active use of scientific and technological advancements ensures high-level inspections of goods and cargo crossing the national border, the President noted, instructing the agency to maintain proper customs control at checkpoints and enhance its information and communication system.

Next, Chairman of the State Migration Service A. Sazakow reported on the measures taken over the past two months to successfully address tasks outlined in the agency’s Development Program. It was noted that, as part of efforts to create favorable working conditions for employees, modern facilities were inaugurated during this period. A report was also presented on ongoing work to improve the quality of migration services.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that adapting the agency’s work to modern requirements requires continuous professional development of its personnel. The head of state instructed officials to maintain proper control over the migration situation in the country and ensure high-quality migration services for citizens.

Concluding the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated that in line with Turkmenistan’s strictly defensive Military Doctrine, measures are being taken to uphold military security, maintain the integrity of the independent, permanently neutral homeland, strengthen its defense capabilities, and improve the social and living conditions of the nation’s defenders and their families. It was emphasized that efforts in this direction will continue.

At the end of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Army General..,

Source: State News Agency of Turkmenistan
