The IV meeting of the International Association "Türkmen alabaý itleri" was held
The IV meeting of the International Association "Türkmen alabaý itleri" was held

On October 26, the IV meeting of the International Association "Turkmen alabaý itleri" was held in the capital, dedicated to the Holiday of the Turkmen Alabai. 

The current forum is a significant event designed to promote the popularization of the legendary breed of dogs, which are the national heritage of the Turkmen people. The expansion of international cooperation in this area is an important aspect of the large–scale work carried out under the patronage of the head of state to develop the best traditions of the national dog breeding school in the country, which uses methods of folk breeding and modern scientific achievements to improve the most valuable qualities that distinguish Turkmen Alabais from dogs of other breeds.

For foreign guests coming to Turkmenistan from different parts of the world, participation in meetings of the Association and numerous events on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabai Holiday is, first of all, a wonderful opportunity to visit the historical homeland of the famous Central Asian shepherds, exchange relevant ideas and experience with domestic cynologists, including on issues of preserving the gene pool and purity of the unique breed. Such regular meetings of true fans of these dogs, enthusiasts of their business, contribute to the development of main ways of interaction and new joint projects, the expansion of business contacts in this area.

Along with this, an important role is assigned to international partners. In particular, long–term cooperation is being established with UNESCO, a specialized agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and other reputable organizations, including foreign associations that work in this direction, as well as with legal entities and private dog breeders from around the world.

The meeting, held at the Center of International Associations of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding and "Turkmen alabaý itleri", was attended by heads and specialists of specialized structures and various departments, higher educational institutions, as well as members of the Association from the provinces, representatives of the media. Foreign dog breeders joined them via videoconference.

Before the start of the forum, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition of works of national decorative, applied and photographic art, folk crafts, paintings, printed products, carpets and sculptures, where the main characters are Turkmen Alabai.

Then the IV meeting of the International Association "Turkmen alabaý itleri" took place in the conference hall of the Center.

Issues related to the activities of this organization were put on the agenda. In addition, it was announced that new members will be accepted into its composition, and the best dog handlers of the country will be awarded state awards. The participants of the meeting will also discuss the tasks for the future and make appropriate decisions.

As the speakers emphasized, alabai has been grown on Turkmen soil for many centuries, and now, thanks to its peculiarities, it has become a universal heritage. They are widely known in the world, considered one of the most ancient and elite among the many existing dog breeds. Alabai, like Ahal-Teke horses, as well as elegant Turkmen carpets are our pride and glory, living legends, national values.

Currently, thanks to the tireless ascetic activity initiated by the Hero Arkadag and successfully continued under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, large-scale work has been launched in the country aimed at glorifying the Turkmen Alabai in the world, protecting and breeding them, and preserving the population, including at the international level. All conditions have been created for the scientific study of the history of the extant dog breed.

The significant role of the Alabai in the life and fate of our people is described in the book "Turkmen Alabai" by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The speakers emphasized the humanistic significance of this work, the informative narrative of which is accompanied by data from archaeological and ethnographic scientific research, reveals interesting facts about the merits of the breed bred by Turkmen breeders, which is of particular value both for dog handlers and specialists in a number of fields, as well as a wide range of readers.

It was noted that among the priority tasks facing the International Association "Turkmen alabai itleri" is the preservation of purebred and popularization of this breed in the world, breeding and increasing the number of these dogs in centers established in the velayats and the city of Ashgabat, scientifically based breeding and breeding work, organization of exhibitions and contests of Turkmen Alabai in the country and abroad.

As it was emphasized, it is necessary to widely popularize in the world the peculiar features of this breed of dogs, their character and devotion to the owner. In this regard, one of the main tasks of the Association is to establish cooperation with foreign colleagues specializing in this field.

In the context of the above, the participants expressed their sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as to the Hero Arkadag, for the excellent opportunities created for the breeding and upbringing of Alabai, their widespread glorification.

In his speech, a member of the International Association, the head of the Turkmen-French archaeological expedition in Ulugdep, Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento, took the opportunity to express gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for taking care of preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people and congratulated everyone on the Holiday of the Turkmen Alabai.

The scientist stressed the importance of collecting and exchanging information about the condition of the breed, determining the main directions for its breeding. The French researcher expressed confidence that cooperation with Turkmen colleagues will improve the efficiency and quality of work.

Then, members of the International Association – Professor, Doctor of the Faculty of Hunting and Wildlife of the Artvin Chorukh University of the Republic of Turkey Murat Kibar and the head of the China–Turkmenistan Cultural Center (PRC), private dog breeder An Jinlong, made a welcoming speech using the digital system.

In the speeches of the foreign participants, it was emphasized that the Turkmen land is a hotbed of ancient civilizations and cultural values of world significance. As noted, the Turkmen people have been making a significant contribution to the spiritual and cultural development of mankind for thousands of years. In this regard, they confirmed their readiness to actively participate in the activities of the International Association "Turkmen Alabai itleri", to promote the world fame of the Turkmen Alabai breed, stimulate scientific and cultural exchange, and strengthen cooperation with Turkmen partners in this field.

Expressing sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as the Hero Arkadag, for paying special attention to the activities of the Association, designed, along with studying the historical heritage of the Turkmen people, to promote the revival, preservation and continuation of the rich national traditions of dog breeding, further improvement of this breed, the representatives of Turkey and China wished everyone great success in their work.

In the speeches of the heads of the centers of the International Association "Turkmen alabai itleri" of the city of Ashgabat and velayats, private dog breeders, it was noted that, being faithful companions of Turkmens for thousands of years, not just assistants, guards and defenders, but also friends, Alabai showed exemplary courage and selfless devotion. Thanks to these qualities, they have taken an honorable place in the culture, art, literature and folklore of the Turkmen people.

In order to preserve and develop the art of Turkmen dog breeding, which has become an integral part of world culture, increase the number of Turkmen Alabai, effectively conduct breeding and breeding work, transfer to young generations the subtleties of raising this breed of dog, as well as encourage dog breeders who have shown themselves in mentoring, the honorary titles "Turkmenistanyň halk itşynasy" and "Turkmenistanyň at gazanan itşynasy" were established".

On the occasion of the Holiday of the Turkmen Alabai, a competition, exhibitions and conferences are held. For the development of dog breeding in the country, wide popularization at the international level of the successes achieved in this direction, the magazine "Türkmeniň nusgalyk alabaýy" of the International Association "Türkmen alabaý itleri" was created.

As it was emphasized, our ancestors were able to cultivate bravery and dignity, fearlessness and devotion in their pets, and this is another unique achievement of the Turkmen, standing on a par with such phenomena as the Akhal-Teke horse, the art of hand carpet making, and other values of the national heritage.

Then the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on awarding the honorary title "Turkmenistanyň at gazanan itşynasy" on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabai Holiday was read out.

Accepting the well-deserved awards with a sense of pride and undisguised excitement, the participants of the meeting expressed their sincere gratitude to the head of state for the high appreciation of their activities, assuring that they would continue to conduct purposeful scientific and breeding work to preserve the purity of the breed, create new lines, and increase the number of Turkmen Alabai.

In accordance with the Decision of the Head of Turkmenistan, the President of the International Association "Turkmen alabaý itleri", its new members were awarded certificates.

Sincerely thanking for admission to the International Association, the domestic dog handlers expressed their gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as to Hero Arkadag, for taking care of preserving the national traditions of dog breeding as part of the richest cultural heritage, for taking important steps to further develop and popularize the Turkmen Alabai, emphasizing their willingness to continue to contribute to this noble cause.

Source: State news agency
