Sowing of winter wheat started in the country
Sowing of winter wheat started in the country

Sowing of winter wheat began in the country's Ahal, Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats on 4 September. This important agricultural campaign started with the blessing of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on August 30, the head of Turkmenistan noted that in the era of the Renaissance of the new era of the powerful state, all necessary conditions are being created for fruitful work of daihans and obtaining rich harvests.

Comprehensive programmes on transformation of agriculture, in particular, on introduction of innovative technologies and achievements of modern science into the sector, modernisation of its production infrastructure are being successfully implemented.

Further development of the agro-industrial complex is of great importance for ensuring food abundance in the country.

In accordance with the good tradition, having offered prayers to the Almighty for a bountiful harvest, the honourable elders threw wheat seeds into the ground and passed the baton to the mechanics.

The farmers of the country approached the season responsibly, having prepared the areas allotted for sowing grain in accordance with agrotechnical norms. Seeds of high-yielding wheat varieties have also been prepared.

The radical reforms being implemented in the agricultural sector are an integral part of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's well-thought-out strategy aimed at comprehensive support for domestic producers. Developing new agricultural lands and improving the culture of farming, the daihanes are responding to the state's care with hard work.

The material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex is replenished with the latest equipment adapted to our soil and climatic conditions. Thanks to large-scale investments in agriculture, modern elevators for crop storage and flour milling complexes are operating in all velayats.

The successful implementation of the regional development tasks outlined in the Presidential Programme for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2028 and the President's National Programme for the transformation of the social and living conditions of the population of villages, settlements, towns and district centres for the period up to 2028 contributes to a significant improvement in the social and living conditions of the rural population.

On the occasion of the beginning of sowing of wheat in daikhan farms "Ak üzüm" of Ak Bugday etrap of Akhal velayat and "Batly mülkdar" of Kizylarvat etrap of Balkan velayat, in daikhan associations "Türkmenistan" of Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat, "Watan" of Chardjev etrap of Lebap velayat, "Türkmenistan" of Vekilbazar etrap of Mary velayat held seminars with participation of representatives of velayat and etrap khakimliks, heads of daikhan associations, agronomists, mechanisers, tenant farmers, honourable elders.

The issues of organised sowing campaign, use of modern methods of agrotechnics and best practices in cultivation of grain crops were discussed. This is of great importance for obtaining a rich harvest of this most important crop.

An exhibition of agricultural products produced in our country and modern machinery was also organised. Song and music performances were unfolded everywhere on the occasion of the start of the sowing season.

Source: State news agency 
