Koytendag Geologists Conduct an Effective Prospecting for New Groundwater Reserves

The Chief Geologist of the Koytendag Exploration Party of the Turkmen Geological Prospecting Expedition of the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation Shanazar Anarov, at the request of the editorial staff of our newspaper, told about the achievements of the Organization in the last months of the current year, which was full of bright and significant events. 

“In the age of scientific and technological progress, each of us, of course, strives to make their own contribution to the success and achievements of the Motherland and to the stability of the prosperous life of the population. To this end, we are intensively conducting appropriate large-scale prospect and research work and are trying to fulfill the tasks at a high level,” Sh. Anarov says. 

Large-scale work, aimed at improving the social and living standards of the population and the improvement of settlements, is being carried out in the country. A colossal amount of work has been done within the framework of the adopted General Program for the provision of clean drinking water to the settlements of Turkmenistan. The Koytendag geologists also take an active part in the successful implementation of this Program. 

Recently, the first stage of groundwater research, conducted to improve the water supply to the population of the Zarpchi village in the Koytendag etrap, has been completed. A progress report is currently being compiled, and it will provide a solid basis for an orderly transition to the second phase of important activities. In the success of the brigade, the merits of the Head Nurmet Hojaberdiyev and the Leading Hydrogeologist Odebike Gurbanova are great. 

The Party’s specialists also carry out a wide range of activities related to the discovery of deposits of solid minerals and the determination of their types and reserves. They carried out prospect and research work on various building materials at a distance from the town of Kerkichi, located on the right bank of the Amudarya River, to the village of Mekan. A corresponding report on the work done was compiled, according to which huge reserves of sand, gravel, clay and dolomite, widely used for construction work, were identified in the area. 

“Along with the successful completion of this year, we are carefully preparing to solve the important tasks of the coming year, 2023. There is a set of responsible tasks ahead, which disposes us to hard work,” Sh. Anarov said and shared his plans for the near future: 

“Next year, in order to provide drinking water to the population of the Kelif village in the Koytendag etrap, detailed research work will be carried out at the Kelif underground fresh water deposit. The exploration and assessment of fresh underground water reserves to provide water to the villages of the Azatlyk gengeshlik in the Dovletly etrap will also be carried out at the Dashrabat field. The prospectors will also continue purposeful work on prospecting and exploration of deposits of hard ores. A foreman of the Expedition Bahtiyar Davranov and geologists Suleyman Karimov and Ruslan Amirkulov continue to make a worthy contribution to the successful progress towards the intended goals,” the Chief Geologist summed up. 
